Go Do

Peter Bourgon


Software Engineering

is concerned with developing and maintaining software systems that behave reliably and efficiently, are affordable to develop and maintain, and satisfy all the requirements that customers have defined for them.

Software Engineering as Process

I think of this as a process. I look at a system as it exists today, and compare it against how it should exist in the future. The better I am at what I do, the better I can perform that transformation.

Why Go?

I think Go is a really excellent tool.

It provides a small set of carefully-considered primitives which are orthogonal to each other, and can be easily combined to develop solutions to a large class of problems. Those solutions tend to be decomposable, testable, and maintainable.

Go in 5 minutes

Facts about Go


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var s1 string = "Jón Þór Birgisson" // Variables may be explicitly typed,
    s2 := "Jónsi"                       // or implicitly typed.

    fmt.Printf("%s, or '%s' for short\n", s1, s2)


package main

import "fmt"

type Thing struct {
    Name  string
    Value int

type Celsius float32
type Fahrenheit float32

func main() {
    c := Celsius(-40.0)
    f := Fahrenheit(-40.0)

    if c == f { // compiler error
        fmt.Println("It's cold!")


An interface is similar to an abstract class in other languages.

type Runner interface {
    Run(int) error

Concrete types implement interfaces.

type Runbot9000 struct {
    // ...
func (b Runbot9000) Run(distance int) error {
    return nil // Runbot 9000 is not programmed to fail

Crucially: there is no explicit declaration of intent.


Interfaces are first-class objects: many stdlib functions operate exclusively on interfaces.

func Race(distance int, runners ...Runner) {
    for i, r := range runners {
        err := r.Run(distance)
        if err == nil {
            fmt.Printf("Runner %d finished, hooray!\n", i)
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("Runner %d didn't finish: %s\n", i, err)
package main

import (

type Runner interface {
	Run(int) error

type Runbot9000 struct {
	// ...

func (b Runbot9000) Run(distance int) error {
	return nil // Runbot 9000 is not programmed to fail

type Baby struct{}

func (x Baby) Run(distance int) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("babies can't run")

type Developer struct {
	Clumsiness float32 // 0..1

func (d Developer) Run(distance int) error {
	if rand.Float32() < d.Clumsiness {
		return fmt.Errorf("tripped over shoelaces")
	return nil

func init() {

func Race(distance int, runners ...Runner) {
	for i, r := range runners {
		err := r.Run(distance)
		if err == nil {
			fmt.Printf("Runner %d finished, hooray!\n", i)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Runner %d didn't finish: %s\n", i, err)

func main() {
    Race(50, Developer{Clumsiness: 0.5}, Baby{}, Runbot9000{})


Goroutines are essentially coroutines, from Tony Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes. Like very lightweight threads, multiplexed onto OS threads.

Launch any function call in a new goroutine with the go keyword. It begins executing concurrently, "in the background".

You don't get handles, or any explicit goroutine management. Because...


Communication between goroutines is idiomatically accomplished with channels, which are typed, synchronized, and optionally-buffered pipes for data.

Channels are first-class objects, and may be passed around like anything else. You can have a channel of channels (of channels...)


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    c := make(chan int)
    go produce(c)

func produce(c chan int) {
    c <- 1 // put data onto channel
    c <- 2
    c <- 3

func consume(c chan int) {
    for i := range c {


Software Engineering as Process

Example: Collect data from multiple backends

"Let's Go Further: Building Concurrent Software With Go"

Sameer Ajmani, Google Tech Talk
April 25, 2012

Example respectfully repurposed.

Collect data from multiple backends

Let's say a backend can perform queries, and return a string.

type Backend interface {
    Query(q string) string
type MyBackend string

func (b MyBackend) Query(q string) string {
    time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", b, q)
type Skrillex struct{}

func (s Skrillex) Query(q string) string {
    time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
    return "wub-wub-wub"

Collect data from multiple backends

We want to broadcast a query to a set of backends, and aggregate the responses.
What's the most naïve implementation?

func QueryAll(q string, backends ...Backend) []string {
    results := []string{}
    for _, backend := range backends {
        r := backend.Query(q)
        results = append(results, r)
    return results
package main

import (

func init() {

type Backend interface {
	Query(q string) string

type Skrillex struct{}

func (s Skrillex) Query(q string) string {
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
	return "wub-wub-wub"

type MyBackend string

func (b MyBackend) Query(q string) string {
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", b, q)

func QueryAll(q string, backends ...Backend) []string {
	results := []string{}
	for _, backend := range backends {
		r := backend.Query(q)
		results = append(results, r)
	return results

func main() {
    b1 := MyBackend("server-1")
    b2 := MyBackend("server-2")
    b3 := Skrillex{}

    began := time.Now()
    results := QueryAll("dubstep", b1, b2, b3)

Collect data from multiple backends

We can do better. Let's fire queries concurrently.

package main

import (

func init() {

type Backend interface {
	Query(q string) string

type Skrillex struct{}

func (s Skrillex) Query(q string) string {
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
	return "wub-wub-wub"

type MyBackend string

func (b MyBackend) Query(q string) string {
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", b, q)

func QueryAll(q string, backends ...Backend) []string {
    // query
    c := make(chan string, len(backends)) // buffered chan
    for _, backend := range backends {
        go func(b Backend) { c <- b.Query(q) }(backend)

    // aggregate
    results := []string{}
    for i := 0; i < cap(c); i++ {
        results = append(results, <-c)
    return results
func main() {
	b1 := MyBackend("server-1")
	b2 := MyBackend("server-2")
	b3 := Skrillex{}

	began := time.Now()
	results := QueryAll("dubstep", b1, b2, b3)

Note the QueryAll method definition didn't change. We still call it synchronously, and it does concurrent stuff internally.

Collect data from multiple backends

We can do even better. Replicate backends!

type Replicas []Backend // Backends with same content

func (r Replicas) Query(q string) string {
    c := make(chan string, len(r))
    for _, backend := range r {
        go func(b Backend) { c <- b.Query(q) }(backend)
    return <-c

Collect data from multiple backends

Then query the replicas.

package main

import (

var (
	method = flag.String("method", "sync", "which query method to use")

func init() {

type Backend interface {
	Query(q string) string

type Skrillex struct{}

func (s Skrillex) Query(q string) string {
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
	return "wub-wub-wub"

type MyBackend string

func (b MyBackend) Query(q string) string {
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", b, q)

type Replicas []Backend // Backends with same content

func (r Replicas) Query(q string) string { // HL
	c := make(chan string, len(r))
	for _, backend := range r {
		go func(b Backend) { c <- b.Query(q) }(backend)
	return <-c // HL

func QueryAll(q string, backends ...Backend) []string {
	// query
	c := make(chan string, len(backends)) // buffered chan
	for _, backend := range backends {
		go func(b Backend) { c <- b.Query(q) }(backend) // HL

	// aggregate
	results := []string{}
	for i := 0; i < cap(c); i++ {
		results = append(results, <-c)
	return results

func main() {
    r1 := Replicas{MyBackend("foo1"), MyBackend("foo2"), MyBackend("foo3")}
    r2 := Replicas{MyBackend("bar1"), MyBackend("bar2")}
    r3 := Replicas{Skrillex{}, Skrillex{}, Skrillex{}, Skrillex{}, Skrillex{}}

    began := time.Now()
    results := QueryAll("dubstep", r1, r2, r3)

Example: Pipelined data processing

Pipelined data processing

We're subscribing to an event publisher, converting messages to enriched data models, and feeding them into a data store.

Pipelined data processing: Listen

Model each stage as a function.

Here, our Listen function simulates an infinite stream of messages, pushing them down an output channel.

func Listen(out chan Msg) {
    for {
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(250)) * time.Millisecond)
        if rand.Intn(10) < 6 {
            out <- "foo"
        } else {
            out <- "bar"

Pipelined data processing: Enrich

The Enrich stage reads a single message from the input channel, processes it, and pushes the result down the output channel.

func Enrich(in, out chan Msg) {
    for {
        msg := <-in
        msg = "☆ " + msg + " ☆"
        out <- msg

Note: no explicit synchronization, no condition variables, no timed waits.
Everything falls out of the goroutine/channel model.

Pipelined data processing: Store

The Store stage simulates writing the message somewhere.

func Store(in chan Msg) {
    for {
        msg := <-in
        fmt.Println(msg) // store to stdout

Pipelined data processing: main

Wire the stages together, and launch each stage as a goroutine.

package main

import (

func init() {

type Msg string

func Listen(out chan Msg) {
	for {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(250)) * time.Millisecond)
		if rand.Intn(10) < 6 {
			out <- "foo"
		} else {
			out <- "bar"

func Enrich(in, out chan Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		msg = "☆ " + msg + " ☆"
		out <- msg

func Store(in chan Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		fmt.Println(msg) // store to stdout

func main() {
    // build the infrastructure
    toEnricher := make(chan Msg)
    toStore := make(chan Msg)

    // launch the actors
    go Listen(toEnricher)
    go Enrich(toEnricher, toStore)
    go Store(toStore)

    time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

Using channels to pass ownership of a message between stages makes the program naturally concurrent. It also cleanly separates the business logic from transport semantics: total separation of concerns.

Note that because the channels are unbuffered, you get automatic backpressure, which (in my experience) is generally what you want.

Pipelined data processing: Filter

Let's add a Filtering stage!

func Filter(in, out chan Msg) {
    for {
        msg := <-in
        if msg == "bar" {
            continue // drop
        out <- msg

Think in terms of actors doing the work, and the pipes used to transport that work. It's safe and easy to abort the pipeline at any stage.

Pipelined data processing: Filter

Wire up the Filter stage...

package main

import (

func init() {

type Msg string

func Listen(out chan Msg) {
	for {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(250)) * time.Millisecond)
		if rand.Intn(10) < 6 {
			out <- "foo"
		} else {
			out <- "bar"

func Filter(in, out chan Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		if msg == "bar" {
			continue // drop
		out <- msg

func Enrich(in, out chan Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		msg = "☆ " + msg + " ☆"
		out <- msg

func Store(in chan Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		fmt.Println(msg) // mock storage

func main() {
    toFilter := make(chan Msg)
    toEnricher := make(chan Msg)
    toStore := make(chan Msg)

    go Listen(toFilter)            
    go Filter(toFilter, toEnricher)
    go Enrich(toEnricher, toStore)
    go Store(toStore)

    time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

There's no complex abstraction to get lost in. You can look at this function and immediately understand what it does and how it works.

"The code does what it says on the page."

Pipelined data processing: concurrency

Scaling the actors for a stage increases the concurrency of the program.

package main

import (

func init() {

type Msg string

func Listen(out chan Msg) {
	for {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(250)) * time.Millisecond)
		if rand.Intn(10) < 6 {
			out <- "foo"
		} else {
			out <- "bar"

func Filter(in, out chan Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		if msg == "bar" {
			continue // drop
		out <- msg

func Enrich(in, out chan Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		msg = "☆ " + msg + " ☆"
		out <- msg

func Store(in chan Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		fmt.Println(msg) // mock storage

func main() {
    toFilter := make(chan Msg)
    toEnricher := make(chan Msg)
    toStore := make(chan Msg)

    go Listen(toFilter)
    go Filter(toFilter, toEnricher)
    go Enrich(toEnricher, toStore)
    go Enrich(toEnricher, toStore)
    go Enrich(toEnricher, toStore)
    go Store(toStore)

    time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

Channel operations are a synchronization point across goroutines, so multiple goroutines may safely read from (or write to) the same channel. Each message will be delivered to exactly one receiver.

Pipelined data processing: HTTP

What if our event source isn't a message queue, but instead an HTTP server?
What if every message is an HTTP request?

We can just change the Msg type, to hold the relevant information...

type Msg struct {
    Data string    // 'data' parameter extracted from form values
    Done chan bool // signal channel to request handler

Pipelined data processing: HTTP

And modify the Listener to start an HTTP server, to generate those Msgs.
(We're passing pointers, now, because the stages can modify the message.)

func Listen(out chan *Msg) {
    h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        msg := &Msg{
            Data: r.FormValue("data"),
            Done: make(chan bool),
        out <- msg

        success := <-msg.Done // wait for done signal
        if !success {
            w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("aborted: %s", msg.Data)))
        w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("OK: %s", msg.Data)))

    http.HandleFunc("/incoming", h)
    fmt.Println("listening on :8080")
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) // blocks

Pipelined data processing: HTTP

Also, whenever our pipeline completes, we need to signal the HTTP handler to write a response to the client and close the connection.

func Filter(in, out chan *Msg) {
    for {
        msg := <-in
        if msg.Data == "bar" {
            msg.Done <- false
        out <- msg
func Store(in chan *Msg) {
    for {
        msg := <-in
        msg.Done <- true

Pipelined data processing: HTTP

Otherwise, everything is identical.

package main

import (
	"net/http" // production-grade HTTP server

type Msg struct {
	Data string    // 'data' parameter extracted from form values
	Done chan bool // signal channel to request handler

func Listen(out chan *Msg) {
	h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		msg := &Msg{
			Data: r.FormValue("data"),
			Done: make(chan bool),
		out <- msg

		success := <-msg.Done // wait for done signal
		if !success {
			w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("aborted: %s", msg.Data)))
		w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("OK: %s", msg.Data)))

	http.HandleFunc("/incoming", h)
	fmt.Println("listening on :8080")
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) // blocks

func Filter(in, out chan *Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		if msg.Data == "bar" {
			msg.Done <- false // HL
		out <- msg

func Enrich(in, out chan *Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		msg.Data = "☆ " + msg.Data + " ☆"
		out <- msg

func Store(in chan *Msg) {
	for {
		msg := <-in
		msg.Done <- true // HL

func main() {
    toFilter := make(chan *Msg)
    toEnricher := make(chan *Msg)
    toStore := make(chan *Msg)

    go Listen(toFilter)
    go Filter(toFilter, toEnricher)
    go Enrich(toEnricher, toStore)
    go Store(toStore)

    select {} // block forever without spinning the CPU


Go helps the process of engineering software to be more pleasant.

Thank you

Peter Bourgon
